Taking the Next Step as a Non-Profit Organization

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A little over a year ago, Afloat was just starting out. We were committed to the idea of bringing much needed attention and resources to international women* and families dealing with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) but we were still working out the kinks of how to go about doing this. I will always remember when the team sat together—masked and socially distanced—to work out our mission statement and goals. Rather than being a tedious process, the words just flowed, as it was crystal clear to us what Afloat was meant to do.

Afloat’s mission is to remove the linguistic, intercultural, and societal barriers to finding quality care, and to provide international women* and families in Germany with the support system that they deserve.

Since that point we have grown and evolved to include four distinct support groups, access to resources via our website and warmline, and a thriving community of people looking for support and connection as they go through pregnancy and parenthood in Germany. Throughout this process it has been abundantly clear that international women* and families in Germany greatly need these and other resources in order to navigate mental health challenges and/or parenting in a country and language that is not their own.

As a result, Afloat began the process of becoming an official non-profit organization (gemeinnütziger Verein) back in the spring of 2020. Taking this step not only increases the legitimacy and visibility of the ogranization, it also seeks to ensure that Afloat will remain a fixture in the support network for those dealing with PMADs in Germany. We are thrilled to be (finally!) on the other side of this process and able to officially celebrate our status as Afloat e.V.!

So, what does this mean for Afloat and our services?
In some ways, not all that much will change. We will continue to offer our support groups—including the Monthly Open group, our Moms* of Color group, the 8 Week Intensive group, and the Pregnancy group—as well as the warmline services for those with questions about mental health resources here in Germany. We will continue to add to our website and referral database so that we are able to connect more women* and families with linguistically and culturally competent mental health care providers and services. All our work will connect back to our mission and to the needs of international moms* and families in Germany.

Will the non-profit/Verein structure impact the ways in which the groups and services are funded?
We are deeply committed to making sure that our services are accessible to everyone and will continue to offer all of our services at no cost to those who participate in our groups or access our other services. Because Afloat is now a gemeinnütziger Verein (designated as for the public good), for those interested, it will soon be possible to make a tax deductible donation or to become a member of the Verein. Both options support our work and allow us to expand. All donations and other sources of funding go directly to our programs and our mission.

How can our community get involved?
The strongest part of Afloat is, hands down, our community. From those who participate in our groups, to those who engage with us on social media, to professionals who connect and offer up their expertise, the Afloat community is vibrant and strong! We love it, appreciate it, and can’t emphasize enough how far this goes to reducing the isolation and stigma for those dealing with PMADs.
Moving forward there will be more options to get involved, including as a member of the Verein. Members are invited to participate in regular meetings to help determine the direction of the organization. And, of course, Afloat always welcomes feedback and ideas from our community including from those who are not ‘official’ members of the Verein. If you have an idea, please feel free to get in touch!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us as we made our way from a local social initiative to an official non-profit organization! We are so looking forward to what is next for us and for the Afloat community and we are so grateful to have your support.


Johanna and the rest of the Afloat Team